This year’s boudoir marathon is…

Shhhh!!! A secret…for now.

Ok, what I am keeping under wraps is the theme. I’ve never done a themed boudoir marathon and I’m so pumped about this one. It’s going to be in a historic El Paso location that I’ve had my eyeballs on for quite some time. This particular building is full of history and I think its going to be a swingin’ good time!

The last marathon we did was at the very cool and trendy Hotel Indigo. 8 stunning ladies trusted me to take some beautiful pictures and give them a fabulous experience. We all had a blast playing dress up with sequins and furs, drinking wine and listening to our favorite tunes. They walked away feeling like the rockstars that they are.

This time around, I’m opening up JUST 6 spots, because I want to make sure I give each woman the attention they deserve! That you deserve.

Once you arrive, we’ll pick out your first outfit and you’ll begin hair and make up with our pro. We’ll chat and sip some wine while you’re getting prepped. We’ll make you feel like you’ve know us for years, so you’ll be totally comfortable in your skin. And don’t worry about not being a “model”. We’re posing pros, so there’s no need to worry about not knowing what to do in front of the camera! I will pose you down to your finger tips. We’ll go through a series of easy and beautiful poses and you’ll be Ahhhh-mazed when I give you a sneak peek at the back of the camera. Your confidence will soar!

Yes, that’s You in the camera looking unbelievable. 😉20161212_170152

I don’t know where you are in your life right now, but you came across this blog post and you’ve been wanting to feel that fire and that spark in your soul again then you need this experience. It’s something you won’t soon forget. These are photographs that you can look back on when your 80 and say, “Damn. Look at me. I remember that day like it was yesterday. I’m a hottie.” And as you close your album a smile spreads across your face at those fond memories of the day you said yes to yourself.

I’m only going to open up 6 spots, so don’t wait to decide if this is the right time.

You came across this post, you opened it, because you were curious. Maybe it was a coincidence, maybe it wasn’t. Maybe this is something you’ve been wanting to do for awhile. When’s the last time you did something for you?

Its time to mark your calendars, because my next El Paso Boudoir Marathon will be on January 14 & 15th! (Just in time to get your goodies for V-day!)




(None of these ladies are models.)

Remember…January 14th & 15th!
Ready to Book now? Click Here